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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April Shopping

For this month I bought some lovely knitwear.
 I have bought blue, green, beige and gray colors.
My collection of t-shirts is growing, so I'm starting to fill in color gaps! 
I've also started buying small lots of GS clothing,
 it makes it a little harder to tell the exact price of the individual items, 
but it save a lot of postage!  I'm still sticking to my budget of $75!

This lovely chicken cardigan is my favorite buy of the month!

I was in luck and purchased two pair of oweralls! 

I've gotten to the point where I feel that I have a solid basic wardrope!
I can go a little more crazy and buy some more exciting clothes
like this lovely green knitted vest.

This green dress filled a color gap in my wardrobe, now I only need to find one in red !

When you buy a batch of clothes, you might get something that you didn't want to buy in the first place. This tunic is not my color at all, but now that I got it, I will try to find a way to wear it!

This cardigan is very pale green with small dots. I am sure it will turn out very useful!

This is a 100% linen jacket. I find it very useful and during the summer I will wear it over some of my dresses! 

This mint green knitted sweater is 100% cotton and has a lovely zig zag texture pattern.
I love mint green in my summer wardrobe and a sweater like this was on my wish list!

I fell in love with the grapic print on this t-shirt. I bought a blue skirt in the G.S. shop in Copenhagen and this t-shirt has a perfect color for the skirt!

This dress was a part of a small lot, and I didn't take much notic of it at first, but when I tryed it on, it feelt so nice and comftable, that I think it will become one of my favorite dresses!

I practice making the layered look that suits me, 
even though I'm not that tall, and I've learned that it's 
a good idea to stick to a few colors and have 
many different patterns and textures in the fabrics.

I'm working on a project where I style
 the light blue dress every day for a whole week 
and this is the first day of styling!

My wish list for next month is: a long blue cardigan, pants, 
artist shirts, a red slip dress and a coat.

I've been in love with this piece of jewelry for a while and then one day it was on sale, so I spoiled myself and bought it! It is not included in the budget ;D

Clothes I'm letting go this month! 
I take it to a recycling container because it is very worn!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hair Style With G.S. Scarf


I have promised to show how I put my hair up in a hairbun and use a braided G.S. scarf as decoration. It's much easier than you might think to put your hair up in a bun! I don't have that much hair anymore, but that's no problem as this hairstyle needs to be a little bohemian and loose!

When the scarf is braided it looks like this!

Make a loop at one end of the scarf. 

The technique is just like crocheting, you pull the long end of the scarf through the first loop, so you get a new loop. Then you repeat it until you reach the end of the scarf.

Slide your fingers through the loop

Pull the scarf through the loop and continue in the same way until you reach the end of the scarf!

When you have reached the end of the scarf, finish by pulling the end of the scarf through the loop without forming a new loop.

I use two kinds of hair elastics for setting up my hair. You will need a large elastic band and three of the small elastic bands.

Start by gathering your hair in a ponytail  with the large elastic band.

Divide the ponytail in two. Put the small hair elastics at the end of them!

Now you split the ponytails and pull the end through twice to twist them.

You now have two twisted ponytails ready to be set up in a bun!

Twist the two twisted ponytails around the big eleastik you started with and fasten the ends by tucking it under the elastic!

Put a small eleastik at one end of your braided scarf so you have a loop you can put down over your hairbun.

Tie the scarf around your hair bun.

You can finish by hiding the scarf ends or you can leave them hanging loosely.

I hope you will have fun trying for yourself!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

My Pinterest Wardrope

Snapshot of my
white wardrope.

I love Pinterest, I have spent many hours browsing and looking at the many  ideas for everything from clothes to food and decor. One day I got the idea that I could make a digital G.S. wardrobe on Pinterest.

Since I started buying clothes from G.S. my very minimalist wardrobe has grown and I have a hard time keeping track of what I have.

On Pinterest, you can create folders where you can upload photos, so I started taking photos of all my clothes and uploading them in folders sorted by color. I have been working on the project for a few weeks and am now ready to use my digital wardrope.

When you create a folder on Pinterest, you can click on the "Organize" icon. It allows you to rearrange the photos you have uploaded. You can also easily copy a photo into another folder by clicking on a photo and then choose the "pin" icon.

I use these features to find clothing combinations I can use when I need to get dressed in a hurry. It has surprised me how creative I get when I have an overview of my clothes in this way. I've created a folder called Dressing Rooms where I pin garments from my GS wardope folders, and then I click "organize" and move the images around to see how I can mix colors and patterns.

My G.S. folders are not shared on Pinterest!

If you would like to try for your self and you are new to Pinterest you will  find help getting started here: Help getting started on Pinterest

Snapshot of my Dressing Room

Snapshot of my Dressing Room

Monday, March 4, 2024

Changing The Design of a Pair of G.S. Overalls

I am going to change the design of these G.S. overalls? 
I would like to sew some elastic ribbon into the back so they will give more shape in the waist.  I also want to make the legs more narrow. They would still have some wide in the legs, but it has to fit my height. The pants are almost full length on me, but I would like to be able to roll up the legs in the summer, so perpaps it would be fun to add a lining with a G.S. pattern to the inside of the legs. I could cut up a G.S. shopping bag and use the fabric for the lining.

For this projcet I am inspired by The Ruby Overalls from Helen’s Closet, they features an elasticated back that creates shaping at the waist, and I would love that!

More about the makeover of the overalls in next blog post!

Friday, March 1, 2024

March Shopping All In White


This month I have bought a little in advance, as we are not so much at home this month! I've continued to find clothes that can form the basic of my wardrobe. This month I've focused on buying clothes in white. I have also focused on the clothes being comfortably airy so that they can be worn during the summer!

I am very pleased with the purchase of the white slip dress! I can wear it under a lovely chiffon dress I bought before Christmas. It should be no secret that I'm a fan of Downton Abbey, and this month's purchase reflects that!

  • Slip dress $11.61
  • Dress with pockets and shirt $21.77
  • White embroidery shirt $10.88
  • Strawberry dress $12.00
         In total I spent $56.26

The slip dress looks lovely under the vintage G.S. dress.

Imagin a warm summer day in the garden
with a lovely hat and white sandals!

I think it's going to be one of my summer favorites!
It came with a shirt that is too big, but I will try to customize the size!

I love the romantic look!

I also got this strawberry dres!

The white shirt has a beautiful embroidery!

I have promised myself that every time I buy new clothes, I will give similar clothes to a thrift store or sell them. Below you see what I am going to get rid of this month.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wardrobe and Hangers 2

I've been working on getting more space in my wardrobe. The photo shows my first attempt to make my clothes take up less space. In the next photo you can see how it looks after I have used the new way of folding the clothes when I hang them on the hangers. 

The shirts and cardigans take up all the space when I hang them as I used to!

After I folded the shirts and cadigans I ended up with a lot of space!
Acturly I consider to add one more drawer to the closet!

Folded cardigan

My next project is to get rid of more of my old clothes. I have sorted out what was worn or the wrong size, but there are still too much! I have decided that every time I buy a piece of G.S. clothing, I have to get rid of a piece of my old clothing. It won't be easy because I have clothes attached with memories such as the clothes was a gift or perhaps bought for a certain event. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me keep everything! 

To keep me up on letting go of some clothes, I'm going to show what I am getting rid of, when I post my G.S. purchases of the month!

In this side of the closet there is some very nice dresses I will have to let go.
The only dress I am going to keep is my wedding dress.

April Shopping

For this month I bought some lovely knitwear.  I have bought blue, green, beige and gray colors. My collection of t-shirts is growing, so I...